sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

It's time to make a difference.

I handed in my proposal for my once a week art class yesterday and have had the go ahead to start next Friday sharing my time and my love of art to these beautiful young children.  Maria Teresa School is a small school in the centre of Santiago, with little resources and children from a poor economic background and often from broken families.

I went to visit the reception year children who crowded round me and embraced me, they were not shy at all.  There is something so special about young children, they have such an powerful and healing energy, it was just what I needed. I then met one of my pupils for the class, Hadi, a nine year old Peruvian girl, who had a nervous quiver in her lip.  My heart just melted.  It just all clicked, right there, right then.  

I thought to myself, fine, it is not a job with an amazing company, it is not what I envisaged for my life here in Chile and it does not pay, but I have the chance to make a difference to these children.  I have the opportunity to give them my love and understanding, to build their confidence and self-esteem and what I will get in return is going to far outweigh any financial reward.

It made me ponder, what are we here for on this earth?  Material gains really are nothing.  What can I bring to the table, what can I give to others?  Even just by changing your attitude you can make a difference.   Since last year I have been following a more spiritual path, trying to be kinder, focusing only on the best in others and attempting to shed myself of negativity. It is not easy trying not to get sucked into this materialistic and selfish world, but being a positive and loving person really is fulfilling and my life is starting to get better.

4 comentarios:

  1. Kate, that sounds fantastic. Spending time with children is the absolute best thing about teaching. No matter how I feel about the other parts of the job, the children always make it worthwhile. They can lift you from the dullest mood and on the days that you feel you've made a difference, it just the best! Good luck, you'll love it xx

  2. Goodd things come to good people and you are a good person. The way forward will appear Kate. This is a wonderful thing to do and you will do it very well. God Bless a beautiful person...you x Shelagh

  3. Oh Kate you are such a special soul, a true shining light. Keep shining and the journey will become clear...xx

  4. Kate, your words are so wise and so inspiring! You're right, it's really easy to get sucked into materialism, when there's so many opportunities to give back to the world. Thank you :) I wish you all the best for the new house, I'm reading and thinking of you from the other side of the world! xx
